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This column is written by a frontline police member. It does not represent the views or policies of the Police Association.

If I only had time…

I see the implementation of the changes to how we respond to mental health callouts is being stretched out. The “window” to kick off phase 2 – 60-minute emergency department handovers – was January to March 2025. Now, Health NZ says it’s not going to be earlier than March. Knowing the strain Health is under, I bet those “slides in time” will continue. We are not mental health workers, we are cops. Yes, we will keep people safe, especially where criminality is evident, but being quasimental health caregivers stuck waiting for hours for the experts to show up is not part of our core role. We have been looking forward to the changes, but let's not count our chickens just yet, they haven’t even started laying the eggs.

Leader of the pack

So we’re getting a new commissioner, after the last one signalled he’s rushing out of the leaky building to move to a government department no-one has ever heard of. They decided to get the interviews done quickly and smartly. It was down to two at the time of writing; the age-old difference between a leader and a manager. I know who most of us want, but unfortunately the frontline has no say. We can only hope they pick a leader, one who utterly understands the reality of policing, on the real frontline. You know, family harm, mental health, gangs, fatal accidents, youth crime, violence, a typical shift. By the time you read this, we may already know who it is. I have my fingers crossed!

Blame it on the rain

Did I say, “leaky building”? I must have been thinking about certain Hutt Valley stations that have pots and buckets catching the water pouring in through the roof. Staff may or may not notice, since they aren’t on the top floor due to all the black mould. Are we in the dark ages? I can 100% guarantee if any such leak appeared at PNHQ it would be fixed in lighting speed. Some of our buildings and custody units are in chronically bad condition. It’s bordering on embarrassing. I’d be glad to supply a list of police stations for the prime minister to visit, my treat.

And did we just get an upgraded station recently that comes with outrageously expensive artwork but the roof leaks? Someone please email me where that is, I’d love to visit and see that artwork. Obviously, it’ll be on a day it’s not raining.

I suppose, if there are districts pondering what to do with a rundown building, they could follow Wellington’s example and switch to having a landlord through a treaty settlement. Landlords fix problems.

I would walk 500 miles…

My Police-issue boots are made for walkin’, not! They may be OK for the odd jaunt in the neighbourhood or standing at a cordon, but walking the beat for hours? No sir, they are not made for that. Word is there are a good many medical complaints due to them. Meindl boots might be the trick. They are purpose-designed for such rigors, offer superior support, but the cost will scare every district commander into hiding.

Don't worry, be happy

The year is nearly done. There’s been a great many changes to how we go about “our business” this year and more changes are afoot, I’d wager. I’m just glad that I work with some amazing human beings, dedicated to their colleagues and their communities. They will do all they can to get through the shift safely, get home to their families, and, hopefully, with a smile on their faces.


Stay safe out there.