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At the New Zealand Police Association, we are dedicated to enhancing the wellbeing of police and their families. Part of this is ensuring all members are treated with care and respect and have fair opportunity to access our services.

We acknowledge that at some point in their lives, our members might experience circumstances that may limit their opportunity and/or capability to access us and/or our services, while also recognizing that each member will have their own personal experience with the circumstances they are experiencing, and as such may not necessarily require the additional support that other members will.

Circumstances that may limit opportunity or capability might include:

  • Illness (short/long term, chronic, terminal diagnosis)
  • Physical disability (e.g. hearing and vision impairments, loss of limbs or paralysis
  • Intellectual disability (e.g. autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, dyslexia)
  • Mental illness (e.g. depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, paranoia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), burnout, ADHD, panic attacks)
  • Trauma
  • Grief
Social (Life Events)Capability
  • Bereavement
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Change in family circumstances
  • Natural disasters
  • Financial hardship
  • Victim of assault or abuse
  • Pandemic, Epidemic, Endemic
  • Technologically challenged
  • Language barrier
  • Time constraints (shift work, family commitments)


Our staff are trained to identify those members who may be in need of additional support. When one of our staff is alerted to a member requiring this we will:

  • Remain empathetic and considerate of your circumstances
  • If you disclose any information regarding your circumstances, we will make note of this so you will not be required to repeat this during each interaction
  • Communicate in a way that is clear and easy to understand
  • Work with you to determine what appropriate support we can offer


How can we help?

Let us know. If you believe yourself or someone you represent needs additional support, please contact us to discuss what appropriate support we can provide.

Any personal information you provide to us will be treated with care and respect and will remain confidential. This will also enable us to provide the appropriate support you require. 

If you have a complaint about the way you or someone you represent has been treated, please submit a complaint here. We take any complaint about the treatment of our members very seriously and any such complaint will be investigated fully.


Other support services

Within New Zealand there are a number of providers that offer support services through helplines or web resources that you may find beneficial.  


If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 111


Mental Health

  • 1737
    Freephone or text 1737 24/7 for support from a trained counsellor
  • Lifeline
    Freephone 24/7 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE)
    Free text 24/7 4357 (HELP)
    Freephone 24/7 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) for the Suicide Crisis Helpline
  • Healthline
    Freephone 24/7 0800 611 116
  • Samaritans
    Freephone 24/7 0800 726 666
  • Depression Helpline
    Freephone 24/7 0800 111 757
    Free text 24/7 4202
    An online and app based e-therapy tool provided by the University of Auckland to help learn skills to deal with feeling down, depressed, or stressed
  • Anxiety NZ
    Freephone 24/7 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY)

Sexuality or gender identity

  • OUTLine NZ
    Freephone between 6-9pm 0800 688 5463 (OUTLINE)
    Online chat support between 6-9pm

Children and young people

Parents, family, and friends

    improving outcomes for people with eating disorders and their families
    Freephone 0800 233 269, Auckland 09 522 2679
  • Parent Help
    For parents/whanau seeking support, advice, and practical strategies on all parenting concerns
    Freephone Mon-Sun 9am-9pm 0800 568 856
  • Family Services 211 Helpline – 0800 211 211 for help finding (and direct transfer to) community based health and social support services in your area
  • Skylight
    Freephone Mon-Fri 9am-5pm 0800 299 100 for support through trauma, loss, and grief
  • Yellow Brick Road
     Online resources relating to family support for mental wellbeing

Family Violence

  • Are You OK
    Freephone 0800 456 450
  • Shine
    Freephone 24/7 0508 744 633
  • Womens Refuge
    Freephone 24/7 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE)
  • Shakti (for migrant women)
    Freephone 24/7 0800 742 584
