We aim to provide you with the highest level of service, but we recognise this might not always be the case. If you do have a complaint, please follow these guidelines.
If you have a general enquiry, please click here.
How to make a complaint
- If possible, raise your concerns directly with the staff member you have been dealing with; or
- Complete the feedback form located here; or
- Email complaints@policeassn.org.nz
Fire & General Insurance Complaints
If you have concerns or complaints regarding the service you have been provided by NZI (part of the IAG Group), click here.
Life Insurance Complaints
If you have concerns or complaints regarding the service you have been provided by AIA, click here.
Travel Insurance Complaints
If you have concerns or complaints regarding the service you have been provided by Allianz Partners, you can find more information here.
What happens when I make a complaint?
We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days.
Here is how we'll sort it out
Step 1 - Let's sort it out
A suitable team member will review your complaint and may contact you for more information.
We aim to resolve your complaint within 10 working days of receipt but will contact you if it's going to take longer.
Step 2 - Internal Review
If we can't sort it to your satisfaction, your complaint will be escalated to a senior staff member or our full complaints team for review.
Step 3 - External Review *only applicable to complaints regarding Police Health Plan
If this process fails to reach a satisfactory resolution, you can contact the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme (IFSO Scheme) within two months from the date of the deadlock letter that we will provide you.
If we fail to provide you with a deadlock letter, you must contact IFSO within three months of the date of your original complaint.
See www.ifso.nz or call 0800 888 202 for more information on the IFSO Scheme.
Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme
PO Box 10-845
Wellington 6143
New Zealand
General Feedback
At the New Zealand Police Association we welcome your feedback and invite you to share this with us. Feedback of any kind allows us to make improvements to the products and services that we provide you.
You can contact us with your feedback at one of the below:
- complaints@policeassn.org.nz
- 0800 500 122
- PO Box 12344
Wellington 6144
New Zealand