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The Police Welfare Fund (PWF) provides our members with the best possible insurance packages in New Zealand. PWF works with our insurers to keep up to date with the changing requirements of our members, and stay in step with global trends.


You can insure your standard home, contents and vehicle insurance online anywhere, anytime (standard risks only, terms and conditions apply).

Here are three options you can consider to reduce your insurance costs:

Increase your excess - this  may reduce your premium (but, should you need to claim, remember you will have a higher excess).

Bundle your insurance - if your home and contents is insured with us, you only pay one excess (per event)*. 

Review your sum insured - check that your house sum insured figure is up to date.


Police vehicle insurance

Our management team is working closely with our general insurance underwriter, NZI, to negotiate the best possible value for insurance, including premium amounts and benefits.

We will let you know as soon as possible about this years’ renewals and any changes these will include, if any, to premiums.

We now provide AGREED VALUE for new vehicle policies. This means, we can agree with you on the value of your vehicle, and should you need to replace it, you will be paid that value, rather than one determined at the time of the accident.

This may change your premium amount.

If you are interested, we can do this for you, instead of waiting until your annual renewal date.

Or you can contact us via the website or simply call 0800 500 122.


Police home insurance

If you have home replacement insurance with us, it is important that the sum insured will realistically meet the rebuild or repair of your home to the standard and size it once was. The replacement insurance covers labour, materials, demolition, consents and other fees associated with rebuilding or repairing the home to its equivalent size and quality.

Review your sum insured - check that your house sum insured figure is up to date.

If you have any questions, or wish to make any policy changes, contact our insurances team on or call 0800 500 122.

*(terms and conditions apply)

Tax Certificate Requests

To get a copy of your latest insurance(s) Tax Certificate(s), please email and we will email them to you.