We're in never-never land
A lot has happened in the past month. Top of the agenda is the pay round, or as I like to call it, “the hiding to nothing”. I’m no pay negotiator nor an expert in fiscal management but did we really expect to get what we wanted? Come on, this Government is tightening the purse strings so much they are disappearing. Despite police being respected and valued by our communities, we have fallen victim to costcutting measures. Yes, I kicked the furniture like most of you, and said a few unsavoury words, but after truly understanding our association pay negotiating team’s position, and the mountain it was up against, I got it in the end. I’m not happy, but the team did the best it could, and we got a bloody nose for our efforts.
From the Twilight Zone
I watched the story from 1News stating more than 300 New Zealand police officers are either graduating, in training, or have applied to work for Queensland Police. And that’s just one Aussie state. That’s in stark contrast to the “hovering around 50” that PNHQ says have applied (I hear a chicken clucking). If those figures are anywhere near true, then Aotearoa has a problem. A problem that could have been solved if the pay negotiations had had a different outcome. The commissioner and Government need to sit up and take notice and stop fudging the numbers because, right now, I’ll believe a reporter more than I’ll believe them.
On that subject, the commissioner has decided not to extend his contract after April next year. Did he get a better offer in Australia? Just asking.
And, further on The Twilight Zone, Police Minister Mark Mitchell’s gang-busting squad is at 16.6% capacity (five out of 30). Wow, what an impact that’s going to make. Word is Police is finding it hard to attract suitable candidates. Maybe being told to work in PNHQ is the barrier?
Away with the fairies
A big announcement the other day from Molesworth St regarding putting more cops on the beat. Back that overloaded truck up please! If we are expected to spend more time on the beat – and that’s every work group – and our days aren’t long enough as they are just trying to meet demand, then how?
Is some magical fairy going to take some work off us? The recent PNHQ message to decline some mental health callouts will have no impact whatsoever. With the health department trying to save $1.4 billion, I can guarantee our mental health demand will increase among other health-related calls for service. So, no fairy, sorry.
A claim you can believe
Big ups to the Police Health Plan group for the new whiz-bang way to put in medical claims. Once I figured out the camera on the phone, and sent it away, it was paid out that afternoon. Outstanding. You truly must have a go. It’s a good bit of kit. Thanks, team. Now could you consult Police Payroll, HR, and PNHQ on how to create something that benefits the members?
Stay safe out there.