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This column is written by a frontline police members. It does not represent the view or the policies of the Police Association.

Wings clipped

It looks like we will be lucky if we have even one more recruit wing through the college this year. Because no one is leaving and Police has got ahead of its personnel budget, it’s decided to stop the wings.

It seems crazy to me when we still haven’t reached the 1800 extra cops. We have people queuing up to join, the college is geared up to train them and we’ve got the experienced officers staying on to mentor new recruits.

The National Party’s line that the gangs are still recruiting but Police has stopped has a very true ring to it.

On the subject of politicians, taking cheap shots at the commissioner while knowing he can’t respond is out of line and won’t do anything for the reputation of the politician responsible. If he has a problem, he should talk to the minister of police. And he would be better off talking about the cancellation of the recruit wings rather than dragging a senior government employee into his petty politics.

I also wonder what the college staff will be doing if they are not training recruits. Perhaps this is the opportunity to get more senior courses through the college?

Mind you, I am sure Wellington District would welcome some reserves, and college staff would enjoy a refresh on the frontline.

After all, demand for our services seems to be going up not down… new units targeting organised crime, continued security work at managed isolation facilities, Covid-19 checkpoints… and keeping an eye on Mongrel Mob parties.

I had to laugh when I heard the Waikato Mongrel Mob had complained that they felt “intimidated” when police showed up at a mob birthday bash. Oh dear… what party-poopers we are.

A great result

I hear that the recent win on motor vehicle reimbursements for staff who end up having to travel further than usual for their work, and with the promise of backpay, is very welcome, especially if you’ve rotated or taken up a temporary position in your district.

I just hope Police accepts that, after two decisive rulings from two authorities on the matter in favour of the Police Association, it would simply be time-wasting to lodge another appeal.

Meanwhile, I’m joining a lot of my colleagues in wanting to get the Covid-19 vaccine. We aren’t in the vulnerable age group, but we are certainly nearer to any potential risks than many other people.
I don’t like getting jabs, of any kind, but, as we all know, sometimes you have to take one for the team.

Stay safe out there.

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