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It's crazy out there

It doesn’t seem to be getting any easier out there, between gangs shooting the hell out of houses and teenagers getting more brazen in their almost daily ram raids, and we are the ones caught in the middle of this crazy behaviour.

I have heard of some serious injuries lately, including staff getting hurt deploying road spikes. These kids seem prepared to ram police cars and even officers to get away and post their antics online.

I know some of them are very young, but at some stage offenders must be accountable for the lives they are putting at risk.

Recognition for darkest day

The courageous actions and outstanding professionalism of those who responded to the Christchurch mosque attacks has been recognised in Christchurch, with quite a few awards handed out.

These are well deserved, and while it is hard to acknowledge everyone who contributed to the outstanding police response, it was good to see they spread these awards fairly wide, recognising the many different aspects of this incident.

It was one of our darkest days, but New Zealand Police stepped up and demonstrated that we are world class. Wear your award proudly, team. You deserve it.

The right fit?

I see our retired leader Mike Bush is on the shortlist for the top job with the London Metropolitan Police.

That would certainly be a feather in his cap (not that he would ever wear a cap).

It’s also a big positive for how our police are thought of around the world.

I’ve heard that Mike has a soft spot for Saville Row tailoring. If he’s successful, we know he will be well-suited for the job…

Tug-of-war on talks

Talking of commissioners, it must be odd for Commissioner Coster to be the subject of a tug-of-war between the Police Minister and National police spokesperson Mark Mitchell, with Poto Williams originally denying Mitchell access to the Commissioner, saying he was too busy.

I see Mitchell will now get his meeting. I would have expected better from the politicians, though I see Mitchell doing silly things on Twitter as well. Either way, leave the Commissioner out of the politics, please.


This column is written by a frontline police member. It does not represent the views or policies of the Police Associaton.

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