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The latest in Police Association media releases and legislative submissions.

Media Contacts

For general media enquiries, contact our communications team: email or ph 027 268 9412.

Media Spokespeople

View the NZPA Media Spokespeople

NZPA Group 2018 Financial Statements


Financial Statements and Audit Report for the year ended 30 June 2018

Dangerous spate of ramming assaults on cop cars

Media Releases NZPA

The Police Association is disturbed at what appears to be a growing trend of offenders deliberately ramming police officers and their cars.

Budget cements critically needed extra police

Media Releases NZPA

The Police Association has commended the government on today's budget confirmation of 1800 extra police and 485 additional non-sworn Police employees.

Help on the gun and drug fronts is on the way

Media Releases NZPA

Two bills which will likely find support from the Police Association were pulled from the Member's ballot today.

Police Association President’s speech to Otago University firearms and public health seminar

Media Releases NZPA

This morning, Police Association President Chris Cahill addressed a firearms and public health seminar run by the University of Otago. His speech was…

NZPA Annual Report/Review 2017

Publications NZPA

Our financial year in review, covering 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.