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The latest in Police Association media releases and legislative submissions.

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Government applauded for decisive action on firearms

Media Releases NZPA

The Police Association congratulates the government for demonstrating the courage to take decisive action and ban the firearms that have inflicted so…

Police Association fully supports PM's call for gun law changes

Media Releases NZPA

Police Association President Chris Cahill has welcomed the Prime Minister’s early commitment to changing New Zealand’s gun laws.

Review confirms no quick fix for NZ's fleeing driver dilemma

Media Releases NZPA

The IPCA/Police thematic review, Fleeing Drivers in New Zealand, is welcomed by the Police Association for its in-depth analysis and presentation of…

Police Association warns of firearms dangers to police and public

Media Releases NZPA

The Police Association has grave concerns about the safety of police officers following the recent incidents which appear to show they have, once…

Police Association gives conditional support to drug initiatives

Media Releases NZPA

The Police Association supports the government's move to go after the manufacturers and suppliers of lethal synthetic drugs.

Police pay deal settled

Media Releases NZPA

Police officers and Police employees have voted to accept their pay offers from Police.