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Read in-depth feature stories, news articles and the president's column from each issue of Police News.

President's Column: Commitment goes both ways

President's Column Chris Cahill

Last month we published a story examining the culture shift at the Police College.

President's Column: Achieving a positive organisational culture

President's Column Chris Cahill

In my role, I am privileged to hear first-hand about policing right through the ranks, and Police, like many contemporary organisations, is talking…

President's Column: Ever-increasing workloads

President's Column Chris Cahill

Policing has to be one of the most dynamic environments in which to work, as shown by the variety of news stories and talkback and social media…

President's Column: The toughest call an officer will ever make

President's Column Chris Cahill

In this issue of Police News, officers living with the consequences of having taken a life in the line of duty tell their side of the story.

President's Column: A year of good news on the policing staff front

President's Column Chris Cahill

As 2017 draws to a close, it is interesting to note that the year is book-ended with good news on the policing staff front.

President's Column: Reflecting on a successful annual conference

President's Column Chris Cahill

This month's Police News is, not surprisingly, very much focused on the October annual conference.