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The latest in policing news, including Police Association media releases.

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Extra police deployed in Manawatu after string of gang-related shootings

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Since last weekend there have been three firearms incidents in the Manawatu region linked to gangs as gang tension grows around the country.

Grace Millane: Top cop Scott Beard speaks of cancer diagnosis during investigation

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The police officer who led the investigation into Grace Millane's murder was diagnosed with cancer shortly before the trial of her killer.

Police seize $5 million worth of drugs, arrest 10 in international drug syndicate operation

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The eight-month operation, called Operation Mystic, investigated an international drug syndicate that had been importing over a tonne of drugs.

Turf war between Mongols and Mongrel Mob in Tauranga heats up

Recent News NZ Herald [Premium]

A turf war between the Mongrel Mob and the Mongol Nation is believed to behind brazen tit-for-tat shootings and a suspected arson last week.

'We're not going to arrest our way out of this' - Top cop addresses gang violence

Recent News 1News

Mike Bush said we're not going to "arrest our way out of" the increasing gang activity and violence across some parts of the country.

Uniformed police will walk in Rainbow Pride Auckland parade

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Uniformed police will march in a new Auckland pride parade after being banned from the city's official parade in 2019.