Paul Ormerod (previously Region 4 director) has been confirmed in the vice-president’s role (uncontested), with one year remaining on the term, after the departure of Mike McRandle, who resigned from Police earlier this year.
A Region 4 election to confirm a new director will be held on September 16.
Meanwhile, the association’s long-serving Region 2 director, Emiel Logan, has stood down and Tina Dower, from the Piki Ki Te Ao committee, has stepped into the role (uncontested) as the first Police employee on the board to hold an elected position.
Tina was previously the board’s Police employee representative and that position, which is appointed not elected, is being advertised this month (see p26).

Andrew Gwilliam, from the Auckland City committee, joins Tina as deputy director for the region (uncontested).
Emiel’s “immense” contribution to the association was acknowledged by the president. “Emiel has set the standard on so many fronts,” Chris said. “He has been a leader among the board, an experienced practitioner whom association staff could rely on and a pillar in the region for his committees and members.”
Chris also had congratulations for Tina. “She has made history as the first elected Police employee to the association board. That is something to be proud of and a testament to the skills and commitment she brings to the role.”
In Region 6, director Paul (Tosh) Hampton, from the Christchurch committee, has been re-elected for another two-year term along with deputy Harriett Murray, from Nelson (both uncontested).