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Read in-depth feature stories, news articles and the president's column from each issue of Police News.

  • President's Column: Rethink vital after report exposes dark horrors

    President's ColumnNZPA

    The harrowing report into abuse in state care should cause all New Zealanders to pause and consider how this was allowed to happen and, more importantly, ask whether we are sure it is not still happening.

  • Pay round and round

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    The outcome wasn’t popular, the process wasn’t popular, the winner wasn’t popular and, for a time, neither was the Police Association but constabulary members finally have a pay deal.

  • Dark days ahead as job cuts loom

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    The thunderstorm that has been hovering over Police employees for months is set to burst any day, finally revealing where the lightning strikes are likely to hit. CARLA AMOS reports.

  • Down in the dumps: Committee chair reports

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    Plummeting morale and financial hardship took centre stage as our chairs reviewed the past year at the Police Association area committee annual meetings from June 10 to July 12.

  • Iam Keen (August 2024)

    Featured ArticlesIam Keen

    This column is written by a frontline police member. It does not represent the views or policies of the Police Association.

  • A whole raft of wins for Raanj

    Featured ArticlesNZPA

    Rangi “Raanj” Rapana might work in a town with only 8000 people but she is a true world beater.