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The latest in policing news, including Police Association media releases.

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Police Association dismayed at yet another firearms tragedy

Media Releases NZPA

The Police Association is deeply concerned at today’s tragic shooting in Glen Eden - both for the for the officers injured and the family of the…

Police Association welcomes legal certainty of vaccine mandate for police

Media Releases NZPA

The New Zealand Police Association acknowledges the Government’s decision to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations for all sworn police officers, authorised…

Increasing dangers of current policing recognised

Media Releases NZPA

The New Zealand Police Association says today’s announcement of a new police tactical response model acknowledges that the proliferation and use of…

Police Association acknowledges guilty verdict

Media Releases

The Police Association thanks the jury in the Eli Epiha trial for carrying out their difficult duty and finding the defendant guilty of attempting to…

Public service pay freeze an unacceptable "bombshell" - Police Association

Media Releases

The government’s "bombshell" announcement of a three-year public sector wage freeze was dropped at the very moment the Police Association sat down…